A weekly devotional, equipping you with the full armor of God.

With the demands of work and family, coupled with endless distractions and temptations lurking around every corner, a man's life can feel like a constant battle. As leaders of the home, we must be on guard and fully armed with God's Word, found only in the Bible.

The Inspired Inbox is a weekly Bible-based devotional from The Inspired Legacy, geared for busy men who desire to seek God more fully. The devotions are short and easy to read, yet filled with Biblical truths and wisdom you need to step into the fight and win.

With Inspired Inbox, you'll feel confident and equipped to lead yourself and your family—eager to pursue God with passion and purpose.


Here’s a sample of what you can expect when you subscribe to the inspired inbox.

A Path to Greater Purpose

Stress is a part of daily life. It’s even healthy in small doses, causing us to learn and grow, or find an inner strength we may not have known existed. Yet continuous stress over a long period of time may indicate that you’re trying to solve your problems on your own.

When faced with difficulties in life, even seemingly small things, we shouldn’t look inward for all the answers. Developing a discipline of turning to God for his wisdom and guidance—in all things—helps us achieve our greater purpose.

In scripture, the word “fear” is closely associated with “trust”. In Proverbs 1:7 it says, “The fear of the Lord is the foundation of true knowledge, but fools despise wisdom.”

In this context, “knowledge" is understanding the world and ourselves in it. “Wisdom" is the acquired skill of applying that knowledge in order to live a godly life.

Easier said than done, right?

Yet when we truly and passionately seek God's wisdom with open ears and an open heart, it will be given to us (Proverbs 2:1–6). What an encouraging thought!

But here is where the proverbial rubber meets the road. When we pray to receive God’s wisdom, we actually need to trust what He tells us, even if it feels intimidating or we don’t fully understand.

Trusting God goes well beyond the simple brains of our mere human intellect. If we try to apply our own understanding to a problem, we undermine His greater perspective. Trust requires a deep reliance on Him and His faithfulness to us.

It sounds easy yet we’re all guilty of keeping God out of the areas of our lives where we need help. Why?

It could be pride, ego, stubbornness, or lack of faith. But when we keep God out and try to do it all ourselves, we’re cut off from the greater purpose He has planned for each of us.

What is one area of your life where you continue to struggle? Today, will you let God in by asking for His help?

About the Author


My name is Mark Henderson, and I live in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, with my beautiful wife Kimberly of more than 25 years. Together, we have three kids (two daughters and one son), one son-in-law, and one grandchild. I’m the founder of The Inspired Legacy, host of The Inspired Legacy Podcast, and author of Inspired Inbox Weekly Devotions.

The Inspired Inbox cuts to the heart of The Inspired Legacy's vision—to equip and inspire men to stand firm and leave a Godly legacy. From a personal standpoint, committing to publishing a new devotional each week holds me accountable to reading and studying God’s Word, a common struggle for many men. So I invite you to join me on this journey of pursuing God.

If you’d like to know more about The Inspired Legacy and my story, click here.