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Steve Weatherford
My guest today is Steve Weatherford. He is a ten year NFL veteran, Super Bowl champion, entrepreneur, husband, and loving father of five. But most importantly, he is a man of faith.
I wanted to have Steve on the show because of how he uses his platform to reach fathers for the sake of the next generation. That is exactly what The Inspired Legacy is all about.
Steve has had an opportunity that few men get to experience. He has formed life-long relationships with some of the greatest coaches and mentors in football, learning valuable lessons from the field and the locker room along the way. He shares how he has taken these lessons and applied them to his role as a dad.
And you don’t make it in the NFL without a lot of grit, determination, self-discipline, and healthy aggression. Steve talks about how he has effectively applied these personal traits to his pursuit of Christ and other meaningful relationships in his life.
Our conversation touched on a ton of other topics as well. If you like taking notes, grab a tablet and pen because Steve makes several great points for guys who like practical takeaways. Lucky for me, I didn’t have to do much to get him fired up about everything he had to share.
Other Things You’ll Learn:
The impact of having a great mentor in your life
How to apply life lessons from our mentors into our daily lives as husbands and fathers
How and why vulnerability can transform our relationships
How to gain maximum influence
How to make the mistakes we’ve made in life work to our advantage and not hold us back from the plans God has for us
The power of boldly serving others
How our vulnerability can create the opportunity for serving others
Steve “attacks” his goals in sport and business. Learn how he applies this mentality to his family life.
Why we must not accept pop-culture’s portrayal of dads
Learn about the two types of dads and why we must be as bold as lions
Hear about the tool Steve developed to define his future and hold himself accountable to who God wants him to be
If you got anything out of this episode, please share it with your friends!
Connect with Steve on Instagram (@weatherford5) and me (@theinspiredlegacy). Post to your Insta Story, tag both of us, and tell us what you learned and what you want to hear more about.
Follow Steve Online
The next episode will be released Monday, May 20. In the meantime, please be sure to check out all of our other available episodes.
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If we’re going to impact the world around us, we all need to step up and support each other. Fatherhood is the hardest job we will ever have, so it’s important that we surround ourselves with like-minded men who are able and willing to provide encouragement, support, guidance, and accountability when we’re caught in the struggle of life.
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