How to Optimize Your Inner Circle

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If you're tuning in to this episode, or pay attention to this podcast at all, you're most likely interested in personal growth and development. After all, becoming the best version of ourselves is a crucial step to becoming the best spouse, dad, and leader in the home that we can be. But are you where you dreamt you'd be at this stage in your life? If not, it's possible you haven't established the right relationships.

Our relationships are a huge contributing factor to who we are as individuals. They contribute to shaping our perception of the world, our outlook on life, and how we treat others or even ourselves.

In today's episode, I discuss three attributes I look for in individuals before welcoming them into my inner circle—those in whom I trust and confide in the most. And these attributes can be used as a measuring stick to evaluate the relationships in your life. Have you surrounded yourself with friends who uplift you or hold you back? It's a question worth asking.

But I know these aren't the only methods of curating the best relationships, so I'd love to hear your thoughts. Reach out to me on social media (Facebook or Instagram) and let me know your thoughts. Do you agree with my views here, or do you have other methods or means of measuring your inner circle? Let me know what you think, and thanks for listening.

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