
Inside the Fight Against Human Trafficking // with David Zach

Inside the Fight Against Human Trafficking // with David Zach

There are few things more grotesque and evil than the exploitation of women and children for sexual gain. Sadly, there's an entire industry devoted to it, fueled by the insatiable sexual appetites of men around the world. David Zach, the lead singer/songwriter for the band Remedy Drive, joins the show to talk about his role with The Exodus Road, a counter-trafficking organization committed to cracking down on the criminal networks responsible for trafficking women and teenagers around the world. This is a problem created by men, and it will require good men like David Zach to step up and take action if we hope to bring it to an end.

Avoiding the Pitfalls of Political Distractions

Avoiding the Pitfalls of Political Distractions

Between what we see happening overseas, economic unknowns, COVID-related policies that impact our way of life, and much more, there are plenty of things that can consume a man’s thoughts these days, especially when it comes to politics. I’ll be the first to raise my hand that I’ve been guilty. For many months, I have wrestled with an unhealthy amount of anger and frustration about what I see happening in the world around me, and I haven’t been afraid to share my opinions on social media (which is pointless). In fact, I have let my anger and my passionate love of country become an idol in my life, and I see it happening to Christian men everywhere. Join me and my co-host, Jacob Green, as we unpack this topic, what it can mean for your faith life, and some ways to right the ship before it’s too late. I’m committing myself to be better and I would like you to join me.

Principles for Pursuing Your God-Given Potential // with Vaughn Kohler

Principles for Pursuing Your God-Given Potential // with Vaughn Kohler

Most men want to succeed, yet this desire can be fueled by our selfish ego or holy ambition. My guest today is Vaugh Kohler, and in his new book titled Sacred Drive, he explores the age-old question of Christian men: is it okay to be ambitious? This episode is packed with great insight and practical advice to pursue your God-given potential, not just for your gain but for God's glory and the good of the world.

Grounded In Faith // with Senator John Thune

Grounded In Faith // with Senator John Thune

In this episode, I talk with Senator John Thune. As someone in the spotlight and under constant scrutiny from the opposition, he has remained true to himself and his heritage, guided by his faith and conviction in Jesus Christ. During our conversation, we touched on a range of topics, from how his upbringing shaped him into the man he is today to how God uses people and opportunities to reveal His plans. We also discuss why we must all remain prayerful as our culture continues to shift away from God at an alarming speed. There's a lot packed into this episode.

Finding Your Dad Edge // with Larry Hagner

Finding Your Dad Edge // with Larry Hagner

Tune in and find out how you can find your “dad edge” to be a better dad, husband, and all-around better man. My guest today is Larry Hagner, and he’s coached men for years to achieve success in 5 dimensions of fatherhood: health, relationships, children, career, and finances. We also talk about Larry’s new book called Screen Time: The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly, which promises to be a great resource for kids and parents.

Fathering With Intention // with Justin Batt

Fathering With Intention // with Justin Batt

If you’re reading this, there’s a good chance you’re interested in becoming an even greater dad. Listen to my conversation with Justin Batt, author Daddy Saturday, founder of the Daddy Saturday movement, and the man behind Dad Boss, the on-demand course for men who want to ramp up their fathering game. Don’t miss this critical conversation about fathering with intention!

How to Develop a Powerful Identity // with Mitch Matthews

How to Develop a Powerful Identity // with Mitch Matthews

We all battle subconscious head trash, every minute of every day. For many of us, these negative thoughts and self-doubts can hold us back in various aspects of life. My guest today is Mitch Matthews, and in this episode, he shares some practical methods to overcome these dangerous insecurities and powerfully step into our God-given purpose.

GUT CHECK: The Power of Proverbs 22:6

GUT CHECK: The Power of Proverbs 22:6

We don’t become real dads—the kind of man our kids learn to rely on for everyday wisdom and spiritual guidance—until we practice parenting with purpose. In this episode, I unpack Proverbs 22:6 and the impact its message can have on your role as a dad, the relationship you have with your kids, and your ability to shine a light on their God-given purpose in life.

Teaching Kids A Godly Work Ethic // with Matt Wagner

Teaching Kids A Godly Work Ethic // with Matt Wagner

Join me as I chat with my good friend, Matt Wagner, about raising kids to have an understanding and appreciation for work, the role it plays in God's Kingdom, and the importance of instilling a great work ethic in the next generation. Grab a notepad—there are a lot of great takeaways in this episode.

Fatherhood & Understanding the Bible Better

Fatherhood & Understanding the Bible Better

As dads and spiritual leaders of the home, it’s critical that we understand God’s Word so we can apply it to our daily lives and effectively teach our kids about it. But we obviously can’t do that if we’re not reading and studying it regularly. My guest today is on a mission to help all of us bridge that gap and equip us to dive deeper into God’s Word.

Find Purpose & Hope in Your Pain—Grieving the Loss of a Child with Denny Allen of Healing Hope Ministries

Find Purpose & Hope in Your Pain—Grieving the Loss of a Child with Denny Allen of Healing Hope Ministries

My guest today is Denny Allen. He, along with his wife, Karri, are the founders of Healing Hope Ministries, an organization that helps parents and families find hope after the loss of a child at any age, to any cause of death. They founded this ministry as a result of unexpectedly losing their child in 2012.