
Breaking Free from Addictive Screens // with Doug Smith

Breaking Free from Addictive Screens // with Doug Smith

Most of us are UNINTENTIONAL with screens, but the architects within the tech industry intentionally make their content distracting, manipulative, and addictive. My conversation with Doug Smith, author of the best-selling book [UN]INTENTIONAL, shows how our obsession with screens can take us to places we regret. And in his book, he unpacks a biblical approach to breaking free from our addiction to screens. This conversation, and Doug’s book, are essential tools for men as we strive to lead ourselves and our families with integrity and intentionality.

How to Get Unstuck In Life // with Joe Prim

How to Get Unstuck In Life // with Joe Prim

I talk to so many men who feel stuck in life, which seems to be a growing problem in our society. If you feel stuck, for whatever reason, then this episode might be for you. My guest in this episode is Joe Prim, the author of OPEN: Six Life-Changing Principles. In this conversation, Joe unpacks these principles and clarifies why we get stuck and how we can get unstuck utilizing his six life-changing principles.

Discovering Jesus as the Standard for Masculinity // with Josh Khachadourian

Discovering Jesus as the Standard for Masculinity // with Josh Khachadourian

As society attempts to redefine manhood, many men grapple with life's challenges, not knowing that Jesus provides a plan for life while also setting the standard for manhood. This episode features Josh Khachadourian, author of the book The Standard: Discovering Jesus as the Standard for Masculinity. In our conversation, we unpack Josh's book and discuss how men can take dominion in life with Jesus as the standard for our masculinity.

The Purpose and Power of the Holy Spirit // with Bruce Blumer

The Purpose and Power of the Holy Spirit // with Bruce Blumer

There are a lot of misconceptions about the Holy Spirit that can cause us to miss out on experiencing a life of greater purpose. As leaders in our homes, we need to understand who the Spirit is and his role in our families' lives. Join me and my guest, Bruce Blumer, as we unpack his new book Mighty Winds and Gentle Whispers: The Purpose and Power of the Holy Spirit. If you're looking for a practical resource on how to develop a closer relationship with God, based on biblical knowledge and backed with inspirational stories, you'll want to tune in.

Chasing the God-Given Gift of Masculinity // with Cody Bobay

Chasing the God-Given Gift of Masculinity // with Cody Bobay

Few men have embraced their call to chase God’s gift of masculinity, quite like my guest, Cody Bobay. As the author of the renowned men’s book Soulcon Challenge, Cody is passionate about developing a warrior class of Christ-like men. Today, Cody is the founder and CEO of Gibborim Studios, a film company dedicated to bringing the lives of Old Testament warriors to life. Join us as we dive into all aspects of Biblical masculinity and the dangers of today’s popular (fake) masculinity that so many men are buying into. If you’re serious about further developing yourself as a man of and for God, this is a must-listen.

Man's Resilient Warrior Spirit // with Colonel Robert Certain

Man's Resilient Warrior Spirit // with Colonel Robert Certain

My guest today is Colonel Robert Certain. As an Air Force pilot who was shot down over Vietnam and held as a POW until the end of the war, he can speak firsthand about how God works in people's lives during times of pain, what it means to be resilient, and how to develop a warrior spirit. In this episode, we unpack the Colonel's military experiences, his life after the war, what he's learned along the way, and how you can apply these hard-won lessons to your life.

Five Essentials Every Man Must Possess to Change His World // with Jim Ramos

Five Essentials Every Man Must Possess to Change His World // with Jim Ramos

Our culture has redefined manhood, squeezing men into boxes that God never intended. But there is still honor in masculinity when we live life with integrity, caring, passion, courage, and strength—like God intended. These are the five essentials every man must possess to change his world, and the topic of Strong Men Dangerous Times, the latest book from Amazon #1 bestselling author, Jim Ramos.

Principles for Pursuing Your God-Given Potential // with Vaughn Kohler

Principles for Pursuing Your God-Given Potential // with Vaughn Kohler

Most men want to succeed, yet this desire can be fueled by our selfish ego or holy ambition. My guest today is Vaugh Kohler, and in his new book titled Sacred Drive, he explores the age-old question of Christian men: is it okay to be ambitious? This episode is packed with great insight and practical advice to pursue your God-given potential, not just for your gain but for God's glory and the good of the world.

Tending the Fire of A Man's Heart // with Mike Yarbrough

Tending the Fire of A Man's Heart // with Mike Yarbrough

Society is in a downward spiral, and it's largely due to the lack of manhood found in our culture, but my guest today is working to change that. Today, I welcome back Mike Yarbrough, host of the Wolf & Iron Podcast and author of the new book Tending the Fire. In his book, Mike points out the problems we face as a society, and he provides fundamental principles every man needs to live by to feel alive and rekindle traditional manhood.

Funny How Life Works // with Michael Jr.

Funny How Life Works // with Michael Jr.

Life can be more similar to comedy than we realize. And rather than assume our days are random and the obstacles we encounter unfortunate, we should strategically embrace life’s events as part of a setup that leads to a punchline. This is the theme behind the new book, Funny How Life Works, by my guest, comedian Michael Jr. Listen or watch as we unpack his book, life, career, and so much more in this funny and inspirational interview.

Demons, Exorcism, and Ghosts // with Billy Hallowell

Demons, Exorcism, and Ghosts // with Billy Hallowell

Our culture is obsessed with evil. If you need proof, look no further than Hollywood, which has largely built its empire on stories involving the occult. But are the claims of possession, exorcism, and demons real? And if so, what should we as Christians and parents know about them as they pertain to spiritual warfare? My guest in this episode is Billy Hallowell, an investigative journalist whose latest book, Playing With Fire: A Modern Investigation into Demons, Exorcism, and Ghosts, dives deep into this topic. Join us as we unpack all you need to know about evil forces and how they can impact our lives.

Reaching Your Full Potential // with Jake Thompson

Reaching Your Full Potential // with Jake Thompson

When you develop a competitive mindset and learn how to apply it to everyday life, it can help you achieve your God-given potential. Meet Jake Thompson, an entrepreneur, performance coach, speaker, and CEO of Compete Every Day, a training and performance apparel company. In this episode, Jake talks about what it means to “compete every day,” how to push yourself without getting caught up in the comparison game, rhythms we can practice to maintain a competitive edge, how to learn from an occasional loss, why a competitive mindset is so important with family and relationships, and much more.

Restoring the Next Generation // with Tom Henderson

Restoring the Next Generation // with Tom Henderson

In this episode, hear how my guest, Tom Henderson, turned his experience as a kid who grew up in a home shattered by divorce and addiction, into a lifelong mission to restore the next generation by sharing the Good News of Christ to teens and fathers everywhere. Tom is the founder of Restoration Generation, author of Heart Not Hype, and host of The Giving Life Podcast.

Writing Your Kids A Legacy Letter // with Blake Brewer

Writing Your Kids A Legacy Letter // with Blake Brewer

If you’ve ever contemplated writing your kids a thoughtful letter—one they’d keep with them forever—then don’t miss this conversation with Blake Brewer. He’s the CEO and founder of The Endurance and the Legacy Letter Challenge, where he coaches men how to write meaningful and effective letters that help leave a lasting legacy for their kids.

Lessons in Strategic Fatherhood // with Jay Cookingham

Lessons in Strategic Fatherhood // with Jay Cookingham

Joining me today is the founder of Strategic Fathering Ministries, Pastor Jay Cookingham. He has helped equip men everywhere to embrace the call of our Heavenly Father and step into their purpose as Godly men. Jay’s message is one that every man should hear, especially if you are going through difficult times.

Lead Like A Navy SEAL // with Chad Williams

Lead Like A Navy SEAL // with Chad Williams

Our world desperately needs more righteous men who are both willing and capable of leading themselves, as well as other men. This episode features Chad Williams, a former U.S. Navy SEAL, and author of the book SEAL of God. In this episode, Williams shares leadership and life lessons that every man can implement into his life, as well as how we parent our kids. You don’t want to miss this one.

Fathering With Intention // with Justin Batt

Fathering With Intention // with Justin Batt

If you’re reading this, there’s a good chance you’re interested in becoming an even greater dad. Listen to my conversation with Justin Batt, author Daddy Saturday, founder of the Daddy Saturday movement, and the man behind Dad Boss, the on-demand course for men who want to ramp up their fathering game. Don’t miss this critical conversation about fathering with intention!

Tactics for Beating Depression // with Ben Courson

Tactics for Beating Depression // with Ben Courson

Hear Ben Courson, best-selling author, TV and radio personality, senior pastor at Applegate Christian Fellowship, and author of the book Flirting With Darkness—Building Hope in the Face of Depression discuss his personal journey and victory over depression and suicidal thoughts. The tactics he shares are valuable and practical tools that every guy should have at his disposal when it comes to better mental health. If you struggle with anxiety and depression, you are not weak!

Restoring Noble Manhood // with Stephen Mansfield

Restoring Noble Manhood // with Stephen Mansfield

If you’ve paid any attention to the world during the past decade, you know that masculinity, and what it means to be a man, are under fire from society. Join me as I talk with New York Times best-selling author Stephen Mansfield, as he unpacks his book, Men on Fire—Restoring the Forces that Forge Noble Manhood. This raw and compelling guide to restoring manhood is exactly what the world needs right now.